Michelle Butts (she/they)
500hr RYT, INHC, RMT

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Looking forward to connecting with you!


General Policies

  1. Masks are required for in-person services. Michelle has multiple autoimmune issues and must protect herself.

  2. Our rate is $75 per hour. BIPOC sliding scale options available.

  3. A $25 deposit is required for all appointments, and is credited toward your purchase. No-shows and cancellations under 24 hours forfeit the deposit.

  4. Returned check fee is $25. (How many of y’all still use checks?)

  5. Michelle’s private services are for women and femmes. YES, this includes transgender women, because they are women!! Y12SR meetings and TBI-friendly classes are open to everyone.

  6. Michelle supports 2-Spirit, LGBTQIA+, Black, Latinx, and Indigenous causes and businesses. Hate speech against historically oppressed groups, misogyny of any kind, and generally racist bullshit is not tolerated by her or in the containers she creates. Bounce now if that’s not your jam.