Soooo…what’s wrong with you?

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Suddenly Sjögren’s…After years of seemingly “unrelated” health issues, I was diagnosed with Sjögren’s in February 2021. It was the best feeling of validation that all these things I knew were wrong with me weren't just in my head, even though I rationally knew they weren’t imaginary. I joined online support groups, and my mind was blown at how many people were asking “Do you have XYZ symptom?” and seeing all the responses that mirrored my own experience. I finally felt seen and understood for maybe the first time ever. I have some amazing spoonies friends with their own autoimmune diseases, so I am very lucky to have people who get the life changes and emotional impact of having a chronic illness. That said, it was so affirming to connect with other people who have these weirdest shit wrong with them that I also have wrong with me too!

What is Sjögren’s?

From : Sjögren's is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects the entire body. Along with symptoms of extensive dryness, other serious complications include profound fatigue, chronic pain, major organ involvement, neuropathies and lymphomas.

One of the best articles I’ve read about my fatigue

Gotta love having the last name Butts and having poop problems

For more about impaired gastric emptying:

Other Sjögren's Resources